Browse train, bus, ferry routes with new transport view

Published February 16, 2012

We’ve added a new feature to rome2rio that makes it easier to explore your transport options. To activate the feature, click on the Transport button at the top-right corner of the map.


This will activate a new transport view, where we overlay all the train (blue), bus (green) and ferry (aqua) routes that rome2rio knows about on the map. Airports are also displayed as orange dots. You can easily view, for example, the train network of Spain as well as ferry links to Morocco:


The new view is also great for quickly visualizing where rome2rio has coverage. For example, we recently added the entire bus network of Seattle to rome2rio which is obvious from the swathe of green covering the city in transport view.


So, if you love to travel by rail, boat and bus like we do, use rome2rio to plan your next trip and be inspired by all the exciting destinations that are accessible without flying.

Rome2rio, based in Melbourne, Australia, is organising the world’s transport information. We offer a multi-modal, door-to-door travel search engine that returns itineraries for air, train, coach, ferry, mass transit and driving options to and from any location. Discover the possibilities at

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