Slovenia: Getting from Ljubljana to Lake Bled

Bled Island in the middle of the picturesque Lake Bled, Slovenia

Famed for its emerald-green waters and mountainous backdrops, picture-perfect Lake Bled and its 11th-century fortress on Lake Bled island lies just 55km northwest of the historic stone bridges and pastel-painted townhouses of Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital city. Travelling from Ljubljana to Lake Bled, you’ll travel through fairytale-like countryside beneath the mighty slopes of the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park. For a day-trip packed with cultural and historical discoveries, opt for the scenic route via bus or train, or hit the motorway to arrive in under an hour.

Visiting Lake Bled in the summer, autumn, winter or spring provides an equally delightful experience, thanks to its mild sub-Alpine climate. Anything from snowfall to sunshine only enhances the site’s genuine beauty.


Easiest/cheapest/fastest route from Ljubljana to Lake Bled
Train from Ljubljana to Lake Bled
Bus from Ljubljana to Lake Bled
Drive from Ljubljana to Lake Bled
Taxi from Ljubljana to Lake Bled 

All transport options for getting from Ljubljana to Lake Bled (one-way)

Duration Cost Online Booking Direct WiFi WC AC Luggage Storage Scenic Route
Train 1h €5 N Y N Y Y Y Y
Bus 1h 20 €7 Y Y N N Y Y [2] Y
55 mins €20 [3] Y [1] Y N N Y [1] Y N
1h 30 €10 [3] Y [1] Y N N Y [1] Y Y
55 mins €60 Y Y N N Y Y N
1. Dependant on rental car
2. Additional fee may be charged
3. Estimated cost of gas and vignette charges

What’s the easiest way to get from Ljubljana to Lake Bled?

An 80-minute bus ride from Ljubljana bus station to Bled bus station.

What’s the cheapest way to get from Ljubljana to Lake Bled?

60-minute direct train ride for around €5 from Ljubljana train station to Lesce-Bled train station.

What’s the fastest way to get from Ljubljana to Lake Bled?

50-minute drive by car or taxi via motorway (tip: you’ll need to buy a 7-day vignette; available at most petrol stations).

Bus = Avtobus   I   Bus station = Avtobusna postaja    I   Car = Avto
Train = Vlak        I   Train station = Železniška postaja  I   Taxi = Taksi

Travelling from Ljubljana to Lake Bled by train (1h)

Where can I find train timetables from Ljubljana to Lake Bled?

Trains from Ljubljana’s central train station to Lesce-Bled train station depart approximately once per hour, from around 4am until about 11pm. Check the timetable at Slovenia National Railway website.

How can I book my train tickets from Ljubljana to Lake Bled?

Buy your direct line train tickets at Ljubljana, Ljubljana Stegne or Ljubljana Vižmarje stations. Ljubljana to Bled train tickets cannot be purchased online. Most trains for Lesce-Bled offer only 2nd-class (economy) tickets.

TIP: You can also purchase tickets after boarding the train, but you will have to pay a small fee on top of the full ticket price. This doesn’t apply if you board a station where there is no ticket sales desk open.

How do I get to Lake Bled from the train station?

Get off at Lesce-Bled train station (located about 4km from Lake Bled) from where you can hop on a bus (en route from Ljubljana to Bled) to Bled bus station closer to the lake, take a 45-minute walk or grab a taxi.

Your second option is getting off at the next train station, Bled Jezero, another 40 minutes away. The station is located 1.5km from the lake via Zupančićeva cesta (Zupančićeva Street) or Kidričeva cesta (Kidričeva Street) and walking from there.

Travelling from Ljubljana to Lake Bled by bus (1h 20)

How often do buses run between Ljubljana and Bled?

Buses depart from Ljubljana bus station to Bled about once per hour on weekdays (operating from around 5am to 11pm), and from about 6am to 9–10pm on the weekend, approximately every hour. All buses take the scenic country road, stopping in cities and towns such as Medno, Kranj and Lesce, making the 55km drive/23 stops in around 1h 20.

The main operators for the Ljubljana to Bled bus route are Arriva, Alpetour and Nomago. All three offer similar service and prices; the main difference is their frequency of service. Buy tickets online or at Ljubljana’s bus station for Arriva and Alpetour; Avrigo can only be bought at the bus station.

Are there any other bus options?

If you’re looking for a quicker option, the Globtour international line (also known as Croatia Bus) departs from Zagreb (Croatia), stops at Ljubljana bus station and then takes about an hour to drive from Ljubljana to Bled via the motorway twice per day, including weekends. This is a seasonal route, operating over the summer. Book tickets online, directly at Ljubljana bus station or with the bus driver directly (if the bus isn’t full).

TIP: Croatia Bus travelling from Ljubljana to Bled may experience delays in its arrival to Ljubljana due to border control and/or traffic.

Can I book buses in advance? Where can I buy bus tickets?

Book your bus tickets online at Ljubljana bus station’s website. You can check which operator is running the line by clicking on ‘details’ beneath any of the departures. Tickets booked online must be picked up 26 hours prior to departure (you’ll need to show your receipt at the cashier desk), and you can reserve a seat on national bus routes at this point for €1.50. Additional luggage costs may apply, charged on-the-spot in cash for anywhere between €1.50 and €3.50.

Ljubljana bus station opening hours

MonFri: 5am10.30pm
Sat: 5am10pm
Sun and holidays: 5.30pm10.30pm

Where does the bus stop closest to the lake?

Both Unior bus station and Bled bus station are the closest bus stops, located about 300m from Lake Bled. Alpetour, Arriva and Avrigo stop at both bus stations. We recommend getting off at Unior bus station; Bled bus station is a few minutes’ drive further on and both take about 4 minutes to walk to the lake.

Drive from Ljubljana to Lake Bled (55 mins)

You have three options for driving from Ljubljana to Lake Bled: one via motorway and two scenic routes via local (country) roads.

OPTION 1: Motorway

Distance: 55km
Duration: 55 mins
Speed limit: 130km/h

Drive out of central Ljubljana on the E61 motorway towards Villach (Austria). Take Exit 3 for Lake Bled and follow road signs for another 4km to reach the village centre and lake.

TIP: You need a vignette to drive on Slovenian motorways. Purchase a 7-day vignette for €7.50 or the 6-month vignette for €30 as soon as you cross the border at most petrol stations. To avoid this cost, use local/country roads.

OPTION 2: Country roads via Medvode–Kranj–Radovljica–Bled

Distance: 55km
Duration: 1h 30
Speed limit: 50km/h

OPTION 3: Country roads via Trzin–Mengeš–Kranj–Radovljica–Bled

Distance: 65km
Duration: 1h 40
Speed limit: 50km/h

TIP: Both countryside routes from Ljubljana to Bled offer similar scenery, since they follow mostly the same roads.

DRIVING TIP: Slovenia is serious about its traffic regulations, so be sure to respect the speed limits. Cameras snap photos of license plates, and fines are delivered for the slightest transgressions.

Top taxi services for travelling between Ljubljana and Bled

  • Kiwitaxi – international airport taxi service that offers intercity routes
    Booking: online only
  • Bled Taxi Transfer – Bled taxi service specialised in intercity transfers
    Booking: phone or text (00 386 41 710 747)
  • Bled Taxi Tours – Bled-based travel agency that provides car transfers
    Booking: phone (00 386 4 574 35 20)
  • Taxi SMS – non-stop taxi services across Slovenia
    Booking: email, phone or text (00 386 70 999 699)

Prices range between €6080 per trip.

Where’s Lake Bled?

Many travellers’ first question as soon as they get off the bus or train is: “Where is the lake?”. From Bled bus station, walk 300m down Cesta Svobode (Svobode Street). Or if you’ve arrived at Lesce bus/train station, catch a bus or taxi for the 4km route via Ljubljanska cesta (Ljubljanska Street). As you approach the centre of Bled village, Lake Bled unfolds before your eyes.

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